This morning I shared a remarkable experience with Yaron Kapitulnik, 
a second year rabbinic student. While perusing a book published in 
2004 and written in English and Polish about Lopuszno, a Polish 
shtetl destroyed during the Holocaust, I happened upon some 
photographs of people named Kapitulnik and could not help but wonder 
if these persons were related to Yaron.

I went to my computer to send Yaron an e-mail, asking him to come to 
my office, but before I could even sit down, he magically appeared at 
my door with a reference question totally unrelated to anything we 
had ever previously talked about.

As I passed him the book, he literally collapsed in a chair, for he 
recognized photos of his grandfather as a young man, as well as 
great-grandparents and his grandfather's siblings, none of whose 
faces Yaron had ever seen before.

(His grandfather, having left Poland in March of 1939, was the only 
member of the family to survive the Holocaust.) Especially poignant 
was a photo of his grandfather and a sister reciting Kaddish at their 
mother's grave on the eve of his departure.)

I recalled the book had been donated by an Israeli businessman who 
had funded the book's publication, and I was glad to pass along his 
contact information in Tel-Aviv to Yaron.

Yaron was eager to call Jerusalem and tell his father of this 
remarkable and entirely serendipitous discovery.

That's the story so far …

Moments such as this truly make the work of a librarian most rewarding!

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