or Jerusalem
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Dear safranim,

I know I can't send attachments on hasafran, so, if you think you can 
help me with my query,   please reply to me offline, and I'll send 
you the image that I refer to, below:

A member of our congregation donated to our synagogue a lovely 
needlepoint that her mother made,  showing images from  stained glass 
windows. Our museum committee wants to list the provenance of this 
piece before putting it on display, and they've asked for my help.

They have a photocopy of a photograph from a book, which I can send 
you,  showing the stained glass images.  The stained glass images 
have words in Hebrew only, and images relating to the three festivals 
(Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot).  The donor's mother died 2 years ago, and 
the daughter does not know what book the photo was from.  All she 
knows is that her mother started working on the needlepoint in 1970, 
and finished it in 1995;   and that the windows were in a synaogue in 
either Jerusalem or Haifa.

If you think you can help me with this, I'll be very appreciative.

Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel, Boston

Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

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