
A teacher asked me about a self-study curriculum to be implemented in 
a wide range of Jewish schools throughout the Chicago area. The range 
includes Orthodox schools through Reform schools, along with Hebrew 
schools (children who have a limited Jewish background).

He wanted the program to be on a topic or several topics in Judaism 
that kids may not have had a chance learning about in a meaningful 
way/depth (or breadth) in school.
ie: The Taryag Mitzvos, Ten Commandments, Ani Ma'amin (13 Principles 
of Faith), facts about the Avos or Imahos (Patriarchs or Matriarchs), etc.

I was thinking of The Taryag Mitzvah Project of The Taryag Legacy 
Foundation. The only problem is that it is mainly geared toward kids 
who have had an Orthodox education and is not a self-study program 
(the teacher has a large part in implementing this program).

Does anyone have any ideas for me?


Rivka Polsky
Library Media Specialist
Walder Education Pavilion of Torah Umesorah
Skokie, IL.

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