we are a synagogue library, newly re-opened; this time we are on the
ground floor but not too close to the school.
i'm of two minds about most things but this is how I feel.
I've bought 'chick'lit' kinds of books for teenagers on the grounds
that no one knows what will open a door for someone and on the
grounds that something is better than nothing. Likewise, I buy
popular books on kabbalah for example. Of course I hope that a patron
will go on from there.
In our state, New Hampshire, the PJ Library program is very active.
This program is coordinated by the Bureau of Jewish Education of
Rhode Island and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. The
program sends a child a gift of literature or music every month that
has Jewish values, talks about Jewish heritage or tells Jewish
stories. I think its a wonderful program. Everyone at our synagogue
has gotten a copy of their first selection, which is Phoebe Gilman's
'Something from Nothing'. Our library has received umpteen copies,
donated by families without young children who didn't need the book.
After the first, free, year, the cost is $18 per child per year.
I have a question in my mind however. It seems to me that the program
is a little 'passive'. The child receives the gift at home every
month. That can so easily be the end of it. If it were done through a
library, the synagogue's. Federation's etc. a recipient would have a
broader perspective and an easier 'door' to Jewish involvement. I
feel a little uncomfortable that the libraries in the area were not
involved. Of course, ours was closed most of this year but I think I
would have known if someone had wanted to involve us. It would have
been a wonderful opportunity for the libraries to call attention to
themselves and to serve a constructive purpose. We could have reading
groups or other activities coordinated with the selections. Of
course, I still hope we can do that.

Marcia Lang Schertz
Nancy Mae Shaines Memorial Library
Temple Israel
Portsmouth, N.H.

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