Dear Friends, How many times have you said or heard the Shema in your lifetime? A few? Hundreds? Thousands? Maybe even tens of thousands... But what does it really mean?
Why has the Shema become the center piece of Jewish liturgy? How do the 6 words of the Shema, the 6 words of the blessing formula (Barukh Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh HaOlam), and the 6 words of the Rabbinic insert (Barukh Shem K'vod Malkhuto l'Olam va'ed) relate to each other? What is the literary meaning of the opening verse "You shall Love" is, and how it relates to the rest of the Shema's first paragraph? Does the Shema really command us to love? What does the oneness of the divine has to do with love? If the Shema has been puzzling to you or even if think you know it well, this interactive, live session with Brandeis Professor and Master Teacher Reuven Kimelman is for you. Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007 Time: 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific Where: Your telephone OR your Internet computer In 75 minutes, you will not only participate in a live class on getting a better understanding of the symphony we call the "Jewish liturgy" and its poetry, but also get the what, why and how to listen to, or even better recite the Shema with a greater understanding of the poetics of this inspiring text. You will even get a chance to ask your own question! All you need participate is either a telephone OR a computer. Period. No charge, no travel. To reserve your seat (yes, there is a limit on the number of attendees we can accommodate), simply... To register: For more information and to register: If you've ever had the pleasure to attend any of Dr. Kimelman's live teaching, you already know how fun and rich they are. If you haven't, you are in for a real treat. Either way, give it a try! See you there! Sergiu Simmel Founder and President, Our Learning Company LLC P.S. Even if you're not really into liturgy, you will find the Tele-Webinar inspiring and highly intriguing. So join in -- what do you have to lose? P.P.S. If this is not for you, or you think a colleague or friend can also benefit from it, feel free to pass this along. Thank you for spreading the word. Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) =========================================================== Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ Ha-Safran Archives: Current: History: AJL HomePage