The Holocaust As Reflected in Responsa Literature

Computerized Torah Holocaust Database
Created by
The Netivei Halakha Institute
Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion

The Project: Subject-matter, Goal, and Rationale

A number of  years ago, the Netivei Halakha Institute took upon 
itself the momentous task of  creating a computerized Torah database, 
to include all the halakhic responsa that deal with the terrors of 
the Holocaust. This information is scattered in a great many books of 
responsa which are hard to find, and are virtually unavailable to 
most students and scholars.

The Netivei Halakha Institute has been involved in the creation of 
computerized Torah databases for a decade, in the context of the 
Bar-Ilan University Responsa Project. The Institute's research 
scholars compile the entry-index concerning the halakhic topics 
discussed in the responsa literature of the modern authorities, as 
found on the Responsa Project CD-ROM. In the course of this research 
project, produced by Bar-Ilan University since 1999, the Institute's 
team of scholars acquired the Torah knowledge and technical expertise 
necessary for the development of the Holocaust Responsa  CD-ROM.

In order to obtain preliminary appraisals of the project, we produced 
a sample CD-ROM of Holocaust Responsa. The CD-ROM was shown to 
experts in the field of Holocaust research and education, hailing 
from the worlds of Torah and academic scholarship, such as Professor 
Dan Michman and Rebbetzin Esther Farbstein, who highly praised the 
project. The sample CD-ROM was also applauded by experts at Yad 
Vashem to whom it was shown.

We are very grateful  to the Claims Conference for its valuable 
support of the project during  these years. Thanks to this 
assistance, we have issued the first edition of the CD-ROM, in March 
2006. The Conference's sponsorship of the project is duly noted on 
the CD-ROM package.

The Responsa literature enables us learn about life during the 
Holocaust from a unique vantage-point, which combines live testimony 
about rabbis and laymen who experienced the tribulations of the 
Holocaust, with an axiological and ethical perspective. This 
literature is also authentic testimony against the claims of those 
who deny the Holocaust.
The CD-ROM is designed primarily to serve a two-fold purpose:
1.      As a research tool for halakhic scholars, who wish to study 
the unique decision-making which was occasioned by the Holocaust, and
2.      To address the needs of the academic world, which will use 
the database to clarify the dilemmas of daily life in the Holocaust, 
as well as the problems of rehabilitation faced by Jewry in its wake.

Additionally, the CD-ROM will serve as a valuable resource in the 
field of education, both formal and informal. This unique endeavor is 
also, in a larger sense, an active and permanent memorial for those 
of our people who perished in the Holocaust. This monument will be of 
a continuous nature, accessed daily by a wide range of users.

We now know that there is still a vast amount of important material 
not yet included in the database. We are already compiling many 
additional sources which we will incorporate in the second version of 
the Holocaust Responsa CD. We feel it is our obligation to continue 
the work of searching and collating, for the sake of future 
generations. It is highly doubtful if decades hence, it will be 
possible to locate all the material which we are now targeting.

Project Description
The Holocaust Responsa CD-ROM #1 contains a collection of hundreds of 
responsa, compiled from 115 responsa volumes and periodicals, 
collected by Institute researchers. The responsa were typed, and some 
were edited in order to remove errors occurring in the originals, 
based on textual analysis.
The responsa themselves are hyper-linked to an index according to 
heading, subheading, and subject, as well as to the precise reference 
in the Shulkhan Arukh. By surveying the listing of headings and 
subheadings, the student may arrive at all the halakhic issues dealt 
with in the course of the Holocaust and its aftermath, as well as the 
responsa themselves.
In addition, the student will find biographical data about the 
various halakhic authorities, and descriptive details of the places 
mentioned in the responsa. The biographies and geographic 
descriptions appear in both Hebrew and in English.
Searching the database can be done in three ways:
1.      According to the heading index,
2.      By random words in the responsa texts or in the heading index,
3.      By place-name or date of the event discussed in the responsum.

The data retrieval system on the CD-ROM is based on the well-known 
software of the Bar-Ilan University Responsa Project.

For more information, pricing and orders please contact:

Rabbi Yitzchak Guttman
The Netivei Halakha Institute
Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion
90433, Israel
Tel: 97229934505

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