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New Title Coming Soon From Gefen Publishing House:

Sephardi Entrepreneurs in Jerusalem; The Valero Family 1800-1948
(English Translation)
ISBN: 978-9652293961
By Professor Ruth Kark and Dr. Joseph B. Glass
Hardcover, 440 pages
US Release Date: December, 20 2007
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $29.95

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Here is the fascinating story of one of Jerusalem's founding families.
The Valeros established the first private bank in Israel. They owned
considerable real estate in Jerusalem and its environs, as well as
properties throughout the country, many of which they donated for the
public's needs. Members of the elite Jerusalem Sephardic community,
which peaked in the beginning of the twentieth century, the Valeros were
extremely active in public life. The book also serves as a cultural
study of the life of a family from the higher echelons of Jerusalem in
the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.

About the Authors
Dr. Joseph B. Glass received his doctorate from the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem. He has authored five books and numerous articles. Dr. Glass
co-authored with Professor Kark the first volume in this series:
Sephardic Entrepreneurs in Eretz Israel: The Amzalak Family, 1816-1918.

Professor Ruth Kark, Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
has written and edited twenty books and over 200 articles on the history
and historical geography of Palestine and Israel. She is co-editor of
the book Jewish Women in the Yishuv and Zionism: A Gender Outlook

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