
Does anyone know of a program that produces Card Catalog cards, and 
spine labels and book pocket labels using a laser or inkjet 
printer?  I have been producing catalog cards and book labels for a 
very small Jewish Family Service library using Library Helper (circa 
1985) and a tractor feed printer.(You didn't think there were any of 
them still around!)  I catalog about 100 books a year for them.  My 
printer which is even older than the program is about to 
die.  Finding ribbons for it is also a challenge.  This time I had to 
print one label at a time.  I don't know if the program or the 
printer or both are dying!    I don't think they really want to spend 
the money for an online system or to convert the card catalog.

Any ideas would be welcome.

Paula Sandfelder

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