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From: Stuart Schnee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: NEW BOOK: High Adventure and Lasting Lessons

 This title can be purchased directly from the publisher by calling:
845-352-3505 ext. 116

High Adventure and Lasting Lessons Combine in Time-Travel Tale

Trekking Through Time Inspires Entire Family

A new children's book just released offers young readers a
globe-sweeping adventure that imparts vital life's lessons along the

Trekking Through Time (December 2007, Artscroll/Mesorah Publications)
takes readers on a daring journey through the centuries. Each stop
along the way thrusts the young heroes, Yisrael and Meir, into
exciting, sometimes dangerous epochs of Jewish history, and brings
readers face-to-face with Torah personalities of previous ages.

The heroes embark on their wild spin through time and space in an
effort to teach the world about Shmiras Haloshon (proper speech).
Having learned in yeshiva about the tremendous power of this mitzvah
to bring about the Geulah (the redemption), to their minds there's
only one thing to do – spread the word!

Their trek leaps to life through the vivid graphic spreads illustrated
by Ruth Beifus under the direction of Gadi Pollack, renowned
illustrator and art director. Each spread, comprising a daily lesson
in proper speech, abounds with a variety of fascinating elements, with
something to appeal to every child:

1        an exciting plot filled with thrilling twists and turns

2        journal entries that track the travelers' thoughts and
lessons learned;

3        insights into the places, people and periods featured on the spread;

4        Jewish laws concerning proper speech. and brief explanations,
written in child-friendly, clear language.

Trekking Through Time is the sequel to the popular Going Global
(Artscroll/Mesorah Publications, ISBN 978-1-4226-0084-9) which
followed Yisrael and Meir on a present-day adventure to Jewish
communities throughout the world. Both books were produced by under
the auspices of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, with the goal
of making proper speech.  a lively, exciting concept that children
will readily learn and absorb.

"The Chofetz Chaim taught that the best time to teach proper speech.
is in childhood," explained the organization's spokesman. "It's then
that a person's character traits are being formed, and positive habits
are much easier to instill. In adulthood, there might already be many
negative habits that have to be undone, and that is much more

For this reason, the organization is applying a major portion of its
effort to developing learning tools that will reach children in school
and at home. Trekking Through Time is the latest addition to the

On the long winter nights ahead, Trekking Through Time offers families
an enjoyable way to spend productive time together. Parents who want
to imbue their children with the lessons of proper speech. have in
this book a powerful ally – an action-packed story that will have the
children eagerly awaiting each new day's adventure.

 This title can be purchased directly from the publisher by calling:
845-352-3505 ext. 116

Title: Trekking Through Time

Author: Yitzchok Kornblau

Illustrator: Ruth Beifus under the direction of Gadi Pollack

Publisher: Artscroll/Mesorah Publications

Pub Date: December 2007    Pages: 104 color pages

ISBN: 9781422600849       Hard Cover: $22.50

About The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation:

Since 1989, Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, a Monsey, N.Y. based
organization, has successfully launched innovative methods of
promoting the Torah's wisdom on human relations and personal
development.   The foundation utilizes a vast array of effective
communication tools including books and tapes, video seminars, and
telephone classes.  Designed to heighten one's awareness of such
essential values as judging others favorably, speaking with restraint,
and acting with sensitivity and respect, the Chofetz Chaim Heritage
Foundation's program reassert the Torah's timeless recipe for building
a world of compassion and harmony.   Projects include approximately
30,000 people who learn daily lessons from books the foundation
publishes, 25,000 students who learn from its curriculum daily, as
well as the largest annual Torah event worldwide with 50,000

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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