New publication from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Title:    Academics Against Israel and the Jews

Edited by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, Chairman of the Board of Fellows 
at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (

Foreword by Natan Sharansky

The new century has seen many attempts to discriminate against 
Israel, its academic institutions, and its scholars in several 
Western countries. This includes boycotting Israeli universities and 
academics as well as calling for divestment from Israeli securities. 
The campaigns frequently use anti-Semitic motifs and sometimes also 
involve violent anti-Semitic acts. The propaganda war that is 
perpetrated against Israel, Zionists and Jews on the university 
campus should be a source of worry to all.

Eighteen essays from four continents discuss a variety of cases of 
discrimination and how Israel and Jews can defend themselves against 
such initiatives. Among the essays are analyses of events on many 
prestigious Western campuses of higher-education, including Columbia, 
Rutgers, Harvard, California-Irvine, Concordia and SOAS in the UK. 
The book also has chapters about anti-Semitism on Australian, 
Austrian, Canadian, British, Dutch and European campuses.

There are also chapters on the reaction to anti-Semitism by 
organizations such as Stand With Us and Scholars for Peace in the 
Middle East. The recent attempted boycott by the UCU in the U.K is 
explained and analyzed. Also included is a chapter on anti-Semitism 
in Palestinian universities.

Natan Sharansky has contributed the foreword and there is a lengthy 
informative introduction by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, where the global 
situation is described and pieced together.

These actions should be seen in the context of the much broader, 
multiple, ongoing attacks against Israel and the Jewish people. These 
initiatives are part of a postmodern global war and often are 
directly related to anti-Semitism. This global war is multi-sourced, 
fragmented, and often diffuse and discontinuous.

The discriminatory actions against Israel prove that in many 
universities, academic freedom is abused as a subtle device to 
promote extremist ideologies and protect misbehavior. This is one 
among many reasons why what happens on campus should be subject to 
much greater external scrutiny. That would likely lead to a 
long-lasting general reassessment of issues concerning academia such 
as free speech, academic freedom, uncontrolled campus extremism 
including incitement to violence, university autonomy, the 
politicization of science, and the discrepancy in norms between 
academia and society at large.

"This volume is essential reading for allÂ…. Read this book, learn, 
and go forth and speak truth to bigotry." Professor Alan Dershowitz, 
Harvard University

To purchase this book on Amazon, click on this link

For further information write to Ashley Perry at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Ashley Perry
Development Coordinator

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Beit Milken
13, Tel Hai
Tel  972 2 561 9281
Fax  972 2 561 9112
Mobile  972 54 555 1974

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