Hello, Veronica--

Your collection sounds fascinating. I'm glad you have David 
Goldenberg there to advise you. He was my Ph.D. advisor at Dropsie 
College in the 1980's. Do greet him for me. Having seen a lot of the 
sort of material you describe (not the least of it here at HUC, as 
you may suspect), I believe he has "hit the nail on the head" in 
saying that the collection contains not too much of commercial value, 
but lots of special interest. I am glad you have been cautious about 
deciding what to do with it. I personally see burial as only the very 
last option one should undertake in such matters. I would look for 
marks of ownership on the books. Even people who are not interested 
in the books for their intended purpose may be attracted to them for 
genealogical reasons. Also many books that have become too fragile 
for use in a library where they may get a lot of handling can still 
serve very well in private hands assuming they find a good home. You 
mention Roedelheim prayer books. Depending on their age, I believe 
some of them are cosidered quite collectible. I know none of this is 
a direct answer to your question, but I want to encourage you to 
persevere in the approach you have been taking. This material is very 
much worth the time and effort, and due a lot of respect in view of 
those who brought it South Africa and under what conditions.

Yours sincerely,


Daniel J. Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, OH 45220 U.S.A.


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