This book is published by Devora Publishing. This was not mentioned in first

DIVREI YA ' AKOV IS A COLLECTION of the teachings and insights on the Book
of Exodus by Rabbi Jack Tauber, author of the Chazon Ya akov commentary on
Maimonide ' s Laws on Talmud Torah.

While Rabbi Tauber ' s teachings in his prior work regarding the Book of
Genesis, Yalkut Ya ' akov, focused primarily on the individual ' s
relationship to God and to his fellow man in modern times, those on the Book
of Exodus continue to examine a Jew ' s individual responsibilities. It
emphasizes the issues relating to the people of Israel as a collective: the
individual ' s relationship with his or her community, with the people of
Israel as a whole, and with the Land of Israel.

At the same time, Rabbi Tauber grapples with how the Jew of today should
relate to the Holocaust, Zionism and the establishment of Israel, and the
rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

A brilliant scholar with a questing mind that sought to find the deepest
meanings of the Torah, the issues confronted in Divrei Ya ' akov are ones
Rabbi Tauber dealt with throughout his entire life.

Divrei Ya ' akov is not merely a collection of his sermons and teachings on
the weekly Torah portion. As Yalkut Ya ' akov, his insightful work on the
Book of Genesis, set forward a philosophy of Judaism to guide the individual
through interpersonal relations, Rabbi Tauber ' s teachings on the Book of
Exodus set forth a comprehensive guide for the Jewish people in its
confrontation and interactions with the nations of the world.


Rabbi Jack Tauber (1916  -  1991) was the spiritual leader of the Avenue Z
Jewish Center, Brooklyn, NY, for 43 years. As a youth he was active in the
Betar Zionist Youth movement where he served as personal secretary to Zev
Jabotinsky, leader of the Zionist-Revisionist movement. During the Holocaust
he was active in the Vaad Hatzolah assisting in the rescue of Jews from
Europe. After the war he joined the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, thereafter remaining
active in the Zionist-Revisionist movement.

  Divrei Ya ' akov

Insights, Reflections and Divrei Torah

from the Book of Exodus

Hard Cover


ISBN: 978-1-934440-00-1

Pages: 408

Size: 6" x 9"

Publication Date: January 2008

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher.

directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.

Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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