Happy secular new year to one and all. This was a great great email. I
read absolutely everything. Of course the only proceedings I don't have
is that for La Jolla (figures). Could somebody photocopy me a copy of
the article or does someone have an extra copy of the proceedings that I
can buy off of you (and I'll pay the postage as well).

 >Please see: Convention Proceedings, La Jolla, Dr. David B. Levy
 >"Ancient to Modern Jewish Classification Systems" (2nd half of
 >article after historical overview deals with practicalities of
 >strengths and weaknesses of various systems including: Elazar, Weine,
 >Leikind, Dewey, LC , Freidus, S

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (Spain)

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