Donations to AJL Scholarship Fund, June –Dec. þ2007

 From Zachary Baker in memory of Beverly Burke and Dorothy Hirsch
 From Linda Silver in honor of Ellen Cole's receiving the Fanny 
Goldstein Award þ2007þ-
 From Shoshana Seidman in memory of Zahava Karmon, mother of Amalia 
Warshenbrot and in memory of Dr. Yehudah Lipsitz.
 From Pearl Berger in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of Laurel Wolfson
 From Sarah Barnard in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of 
Laurel Wolfson and in honor of Phil Miller on his delivering the 
Feinstein lecture.
 From Phil Miller in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of Laurel Wolfson.
 From Helen Rogaway in honor of the 50th anniversary of Manny and Adair Klein.
 From Elliot Gertel in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of Laurel Wolfson.
 From Aileen D. Grossberg in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of 
Laurel Wolfson.
 From Lynn Feinman in memory of Debbie Stern's mother Charlotte Schoen.
 From Rachel K. Glasser in memory of Debbie Stern's mother Charlotte 
Schoen, in memory of Zahavah Karmon, mother of Amalia Warshenbrot, 
and in memory of Dorothy Hirsch, mother of David Hirsch.
 From Sarah Barnard in memory of Debbie Stern's mother Charlotte Schoen.
 From Pearl Berger in memory of Debbie Stern's mother Charlotte Schoen.
 From Roger H. Kohn in honor of Bonnie Shapiro.
 From Shoshana Seidman in memory of Dr. Stanley Sturman, father of 
Laurel Wolfson.
 From Paul Howard Hamburg in honor of Fred Isaac's significant birthday.
 From Sarah Barnard in memory of Batya Kaplan's father and in honor 
of Debbie Stern's new granddaughter.
 From Elliot Gertel in memory of Debbie Stern's mother and in honor 
of Debbie Stern's granddaughter.
 From Ellen & Stewart Share in memory of Ivy Zola, of Frances 
Abramson and of Robert L. Oakley.

Donations may be sent to me at the address below. Please include the 
name and address of the person to whom you want the tribute card sent.

Sarah M. Barnard
AJL Scholarship Fund Co-Chair
Hebrew Union College Library
3101 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

Phone: 513-233-5783
Fax: 513-221-0915

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