Dear Friends,

It's Monday night, so I'll make this quick...

Our most popular no-cost tele-webinar with
Brandeis Professor Reuven Kimelman has been

"The Seduction of Eve: Why Did She Do It?"

where Master Teacher Reuven Kimelman
explores in depth the question whether
the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3) eating
from the Tree of Knowledge is a story
of the Original Sin OR a parable of the
Anatomy of Sin.

I have heard from many that they could not
attend our last event, due to the holiday
and vacation season. So I managed to convince
Professor Kimelman to do it one last time.

The ONLY time slot available was tomorrow,
Tuesday January 13, 2008 at 9:00 pm Eastern.
Sorry for the really short notice, but
that was our only option.

The GOOD NEWS is that we will record it,
and if you register you WILL be able to
access the replay, and listen to it at
your leisure.

So, even if this timing doesn't work
for you, simply register to gain access
to the recording. Only registrants will
get this access.

How to register?

Simply go to (there is absolutely no

After you read more about the event,
please click on the REGISTER NOW button
and you're on your way to a delightful
90 minutes of learning.

I look forward to having you join us!

Warm regards,

Sergiu Simmel
Our Learning Company LLC

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