Dear Safraniyot and Safranim,

We wanted to know if any of you have used a handheld scanning "pen" 
to scan information directly into OCLC or Millennium Catalog with any 
luck. We are considering purchasing a pen from Wizcomtech (an Israeli 
company) to help us catalog over 3,000 rare books we received as a 
donation.  Our hope is that such a portable device would save wear 
and tear on the books, allowing us to leave them locked up in their 
current location, while using the pen to transfer all the necessary 
data to a cataloging program on the computers in the office.

Thank you for sharing any and all experiences, good or bad. We tried 
the Iris 6 pen, and it wasn't truly portably and didn't scan smoothly.

Shabat Shalom,

Jackie Kamerow Ben-Efraim
Special Collections Librarian
American Jewish University
(formerly University of Judaism)

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