I have now received two opposing responses to my query about the 
whiting-out of the author's name on approbations in the sefer Me'ir Tefilah:

Yossi Galron and Ya'akov Aaronson give one view:

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:54:38 -0500
From: Joseph Galron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran]: A strange approbation


I saw several books with the same pattern. The reason is modesty. The
author does not want to publicize himself.

In many cases I found help with Bar-Ilan online catalog and/or the
catalog of the Jewish National and University Library (JNUL) in
Jerusalem where the name was discovered.

As for Meir tefilah - Bar Ilan has the only copy (up to now) and they
did not reveal the secret.
(I guess the author's name is Meir - first or last name)

Hello Paul,

 From my experience with things like this there is a trend in the 
Haredi world to be modest and not put your name on the title 
page.  I've never seem names whited out from hascamot.  You can 
usually find out who the author is by looking on the verso of the tp 
and see where the sefer can be obtained.  It's usually the author or 
one of his children.

Hope this helps.


And from Aviva Astrinsky another take:


I am not familiar with the book per se.
But from your description it appears to be a pirated edition, where 
all names associated with the book have been whited out.
This looks like a deliberate act of vandalism, meant to disgrace the author.

As you know, the haredi community it is a great honor to publish a 
book, and often the author gets to be called by the title of the book
(e.g. Hafets Hayim, Shene Luhot ha-Berit=Shalah).

Obliterating the name of the author, and the approbators,
is tentamount to obliterating the person himself. What a shame!


I tried to call the phone number.  a) the number has been changed; b) 
there is no answer on the new number.  If they author wanted 
anonymity, why the phone number which is preface by the statement: 
le-khol inyane ha-sefer na le-hitkasher le… (for information about 
this book call…)

I remain puzzled.


Paul Howard Hamburg
Librarian for the Judaica Collection
438 Doe Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720-6000
Tel: (510) 643-3353
Fax: (510) 643-6650
Cell: (510) 387-5827
Website: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/judaica/

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