Hebrew Fiction in Israel!
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Dear Librarian

We are please to present our May 2008 Hebrew Fiction and Translated 
(into Hebrew) Fiction catalogs. It's easy to develop your Hebrew 
collection with these one page lists. Each list contains the newest 
and most popular titles in four categories. Just click on the list 
you want to view or download the pdf document. You can save on 
shipping from Israel by ordering an entire list or just check off the 
titles you want according to your budget.

Hebrew Children's Books
List is divided into Makor (originally in Hebrew) and Translated.

Hebrew Fiction
List includes among many others, the new best selling David Grossman 
and Yochi Brandeis novels.

Translated Fiction
List includes among many others, the new Nathan Englander and Harlan 
Coben novels in Hebrew translation.

Please email me to request any or all of our May, 2008 Quarterly 
Catalogs of Hebrew Fiction in pdf format.

Gefen Librarians Newsletter
To receive quarterly catalogs of Israeli bestselling literature.-

In addition to the most up-to-date bestsellers in Israel we can 
provide you with any title published in Israel. We also maintain a 
warehouse in the United States. This means that in many cases you can 
get shipping and handling prices based on local domestic UPS shipping costs.

Israbook Supplies:
Best-selling Hebrew paperbacks
Children's books in Hebrew
Subscriptions to Israel periodicals and series
Hebrew-English English Hebrew Dictionaries
Hebrew Studies Textbooks (Hebrew From Scratch)
Easy Hebrew Publications
Sifrey Kodesh
Archeology Research
Holocaust Literature
Academic publications
Much moreĀ…

Avraham (Andy) Kohlenberg
Special Orders and Marketing
Gefen Publishing House
Hatzvi 6, Jerusalem, 94386, Israel
tel: 972 2 538 0247 ext. 2
fax: 972 2 538 8423

www.israelbooks.com -The Official Website of Gefen Publishing House
www.israeldictionaries.com - Our New Discount Website

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