I have been reading this thread with interest and debating whether to
weight in with an opinion until I read what Lisa Silverman said and that
triggered a pet peeve of mine.  First, I enjoy reading Hasafran.  It
gives me information and connects me to my colleagues whom I would not
ordinarily see or meet except at conferences and sometimes not even
then.  It gives me a sense of community.  If the subject heading does
not interest me -- well there's always the delete button.  And here
comes my pet peeve.  Because I use that delete button, I don't always
know what a poster is talking about -- it's like coming in on a
conversation in the middle.  Would it be so difficult to use the
"respond to all" button when writing an email to Hasafran?  That would
copy the email to which you are responding so that we all know what it
is.  Sometimes the answer sounds interesting or intriguing but you don't
know the question. That's just frustrating.  Well, I got that off my
chest, I feel better now. ;).

Chaya Wiesman
Ramaz Upper School

Chaya - it is my practice for many years NOT to include the original 
message with each response.
Subscribers who get their Hasafran messages in Digest format will get 
much larger files and the same posting again and again.
The original message can be always found in the archives 
I am trying to keep messages as short as possible.

Joseph Galron-Goldschlaeger

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