Originally posted: July 23, 2008

Quiet in the library? Shhh!
Should libraries stock video games — or ban them? Tell us why.
When we learned libraries were installing video games to draw teens 
and young adults through their doors, our first thought was that it's 
like luring people to church with free beer. Who says that's a good 
idea? Sure, they'll come, but then how do you get rid of them?

The library, we thought, was a place for study and contemplation, not 
a hangout for gamers. Yes, we know modern libraries often have more 
DVDs than Blockbuster, more computers than the local community 
college and better coffee than Starbucks.

Comic books and CDs can be checked out along with books and 
magazines. Yoga and wine-tasting sessions supplement the story hour, 
poetry readings and lectures. Some libraries have become de facto 
senior centers, resource labs for home-schoolers, rehearsal studios 
for community dance and theater groups ... but still. Video games? 
What's next—miniature golf? Walk-in medical clinics? Taco Bell?

To our surprise, the video game trend is endorsed by the 
Chicago-based American Library Association, which recently got a $1 
million grant from the Verizon Foundation to develop a national model 
for library gaming. Eighty percent of public libraries allow video 
games on their computers, according to a 2007 Syracuse University 
study, and 13 percent have separate game stations such as Nintendo, 
Wii or Xbox.

Libraries are no longer just about literacy, if they ever were. 
They've evolved into social and recreational centers that mirror the 
communities they serve. Large- type and audio books for aging 
Boomers. Computer literacy lessons for seniors. Free wi-fi for 
students. Multi-lingual resources for immigrants. Cultural enrichment 
courses for everyone. The video games are targeted at the 
hard-to-reach young adult demographic that is too busy or distracted 
(temporarily, we hope) for things like books and newspapers.

Though many suburban systems offer gaming among the stacks, Chicago's 
librarians and their high school advisory council agreed to keep them 
out, sticking to the more traditional mission of reading, writing and 
public speaking. That's fine with the ALA. Public libraries get 
roughly 80 percent of their funding from local taxpayers, so it makes 
sense for local programs to be determined by local needs and 
interests, even if that means (gulp) Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

If you're concerned about video games promoting violent or addictive 
behaviors (not to mention noise), rest assured that librarians are 
concerned, too. But they're heartened by evidence that shows the 
games teach problem-solving and social interaction skills. And did we 
mention that they get kids into the library? Better still, according 
to the Syracuse study, 75 percent of those who come to the library 
for the video games return later for something else—perhaps even to 
check out a book.


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