
Forgive my ignorance, as perhaps this is common knowledge to those
engaged in our work, but please indulge a relatively newly minted
Judaica librarian.

After searching the librarians for fairness website, the Hasafran
archives, and a few google searches, I've been unable to find any
information on who is behind 'librarians for fairness' -- that is
aside from some apparent link with

By this I mean, I cannot find who are the principals behind it, how
their website and other activities are funded, how many librarians
advocating fairness they speak for, who is in leadership positions and
what are their credentials, or basically any information related to
their authority as an organization.

While I'm sure many on the list thoroughly support the important
advocacy that they engage in -- as an information specialist who tries
to inculcate in my students the importance of recognizing authority
and potential bias of sources,  I'm troubled by the apparent lack of
transparency  of this organization.

Is anyone on the list aware of something I am not? Are they something
more than an astroturf group for standwithus?


Russel M. Neiss
Librarian - Rodeph Sholom School, NY, NY

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