Hey all! Everybody have a good summer?

The Bands Visit, super touching story about a small Egyptian marching 
band lost in a small Israeli town.

This movie is great! I saw the subtitled version here in Valencia 
(absolutely everything is dubbed in Spain but for some reason this 
wasn't). They don't march much, mostly they just sit and play. The 
whole story hinges on a pronunciation mistake made by the youngest 
member of the band. In arabic there's no distinction between the P 
and B; they sound exactly the same. At the bus station the youngest 
member is sent off to buy the bus tickets to Petah Tikvah but instead 
he says Bet Hatikvah and the whole band ends up in the middle of 
nowhere in this totally dead town  where the only form of 
entertainment is to stand in front of the one and only public phone 
in town waiting for your girlfriend to call. From what a reliable 
source told me, the movie didn't win the Oscar for best movie in a 
foreign language because it's almost entirely in English a fact which 
makes the movie all that more ironic.

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Jauvra
Valencia (Spain)

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