- I've been trying to contact the Lieberman Institute about their 
textual witnesses and scholarly articles CD-ROMS.  I haven't had any 
response from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you've sent an email and 
received a response, would you mind sending me that email address?  I 
would love to know the name and address of an individual to contact.

- One of our professors is looking for a Spanish-language book by 
Moises Camhi about the Jews of Temuco.  He says it was published in 
Chile or Argentina, but he doesn't remember the title of the 
book.  If you have any info. on this book, please let me know.

Wishing all of you and yours good health and sweetness in the coming year, Pat

Rabbi Patricia Fenton
Judaica Reference and Outreach Specialist
American Jewish University
  (formerly University of Judaism and Brandeis-Bardin Institute)
Ostrow Library, Familian Campus
15600 Mulholland Dr.
Bel Air, CA 90077
  310-476-5423  (Fax)

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