Has AJL taken a public position on this issue yet?   -- Lee Jaffe, UC 
Santa Cruz

AJC Calls on Publisher to Retract Zionism Chapter in Encyclopedia

October 10, 2008 – New York – The American Jewish Committee (AJC) is 
calling on a leading publishing house to withdraw a chapter on 
Zionism in its Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.

"It is incomprehensible that a reputable publisher would include the 
national movement of the Jewish people, Zionism, in an encyclopedia 
on racism," said AJC Executive Director David A. Harris. "No other 
form of nationalism is included in the three-volume encyclopedia. 
Gale has given fodder to academia and beyond to assault the State of Israel."

Available in both print and online versions, the encyclopedia is 
published by Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning.

In a letter to Frank Menchaca, Gale executive vice president and 
publisher, AJC not only questioned why Zionism was included in the 
encyclopedia, but also pointed out a number of factual and historical 
inaccuracies in the chapter.

"Regrettably, the reply we received was vague and equivocal," said Harris.

Menchaca wrote that the role of Gale, as a reference publishing 
house, is "to convey the scholarship on the topic at hand, ensure its 
accuracy to the greatest degree possible and to rely upon the 
expertise and judgment of our board to alert us to lapses."

"Reference publishers have the duty to summarize controversies, not 
participate in them," Menchaca continued.

"This attempt at benign neutrality is outrageous," said Harris. 
"Editors and publishers absolutely are responsible for presenting 
facts and not twisting them in ways that embellish and advance myths. 
Reference publishers also have a responsibility to choose authors 
with first-rate credentials and expertise. Again, in the case of the 
Zionism chapter, Gale publishing fell short."

The author of the Zionism chapter, Noel Ignatiev, has no track record 
of scholarship in Middle Eastern or Jewish studies, but his previous 
writings do show an inherent bias towards Jews and Israel. Indeed, 
the entry misrepresents Zionism as an "ideology of race" and 
scandalously promotes the canard of Zionist-Nazi "collaboration."

"The chapter is littered with serious errors and deliberate 
distortions," said Harris. "Yet it is presented to readers as an 
impartial and objective overview of Zionism in what purports to be a 
reference work."

"What is being marketed as scholarship actually is propaganda, and 
that's shameful," said Harris.

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