Dear Safranim,

The AJL Midwinter meetings of Board and Council will be here before 
we know it! I just sent an email to Board and Council about the 
meetings. Please let me know if you did not receive it! We have many 
new ideas for AJL and look forward to talking about them at Midwinter 
and pushing these programs ahead.

We are still looking for people to help with our National 
Conventions. If you want a really exciting and challenging way to get 
involved in our organization and give your library some national 
visibility, then contact Fred Isaac or Shoshanah Seidman, our 
National Convention Chairs , about ways you can help. We especially 
need someone who is good at email contacts and wants to help contact 
our exhibitors. We also need people interested in helping to organize 
our 2010 convention in Seattle. We have a dedicated group of people 
there who are starting to make plans and they would love to work with you!

We also need people interested in mentoring librarians who need some 
guidance in Judaic librarianship. If you would like to be mentor, 
contact Stephanie Gross, Mentoring Committee Chair.

Thanks to our wonderful PR Committee who has just made available some 
of the podcasts of sessions at the 2008 Convention. Check back for 
more throughout the year.

Heidi Estrin and Andrea Rapp have also made available an extremely 
valuable bibliography of books for Israel's 60th birthday. Look for 
publicity on it and please share it with other libraries and schools 
during Jewish Book Month.

Please check our AJL blog for news and ramblings. I try to post every 
week or so. I would love to hear from YOU! Let me now the news in 
your library. Share a story, a resource, or just good news.

Looking forward to hearing form you!

Susan Dubin
AJL President

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