Devora Publishing has just released: WHITHER THOU GOEST  -  The 
Jewish In-Laws' Survival Guide

WHITHER THOU GOEST: The Jewish In-Laws' Survival Guide (Devora 
Publishing, Oct. 2008) is filled with successful strategies for 
surviving In-Laws and becoming a great In-Law. This invaluable guide 
explores the most common points of friction between In-Laws, how to 
avoid them and how to overcome them. This guide includes articles by 
psychologists, lawyers, rabbis and those with years of "In-Law experience".
If you're getting married or already married you probably need this book.

Chapters Include:

• Modern-day Areas of Marital Conflict                    Dr. David Pelcovitz
• How to Make Peace with Your Mother-in-law    Becky Sweat
• Obeying the Keep Out! Sign                                  Rabbi 
Avigdor Miller
• He's Mine; No, He's MINE                      Rebbetzin Feige Twerski
• When In-laws are Not on the Same Page             Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
• Is It  Possible to Always Get Along?      Rabbi Simcha 
Feuerman  and Chaya Feuerman
• What is the Halacha of In-laws?                             Rabbi 
Michael J. Broyde
• In-laws: A Problem that Need not Exist?                Rabbi Reuven AP. Bulka
• The Limits of Respecting In-laws                            Rabbi 
Eli J. Mansour
• You're Not Marrying Her Family; Or are You?  Rabbi Avraham Bleich

Plus –
• Building a Wholesome In-law Relationship
• Case Histories from a Daughter-in-law's Perspective
• Ten Commandments for a Daughter-in-law
• 10 Tips for Getting Along with Your In-laws

About the author: A resident of Brooklyn, New York, Sorah Shapiro is 
a journalist who writes for major secular and Jewish publications. 
Multi?talented and multifaceted, with a kaleidoscopic background in 
law, advertising, psychology, education, Judaic studies, graphic arts 
and music, it is no wonder she is affectionately referred to as 
"Renaissance Woman." Supplementing her full?time career, she has 
worked to facilitate the integration of Jewish immigrants from the 
former Soviet Union and has been honored for her volunteerism in 
medical institutions.  She is a frequent speaker at women's groups in 
the New York area on a wide variety of Jewish and secular topics.

Title: WHITHER THOU GOEST: The Jewish In-Laws' Survival Guide
Author: Sorah Shapiro
Publisher: Devora Publishing Pub Date:  October 2008     Pages: 268
ISBN: 978-1-934440-09-4 Hard Cover: $24.95 U.S.    £14.95 U.K.

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the 
publisher directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966 Schools and libraries are 
eligible for discounts. Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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