The National Library of Israel Name Authority File (NNL10) is now
accessible to other libraries for searching and copying of records.
Instructions on how to connect to NNL10 follow this introductory

The NNL10 file currently contains about 267,000 name authority records
for persons, corporate bodies and uniform title headings. It does not
contain records for series or subject headings.

Records are in four scripts: Latin (approx. 179,000 records), Hebrew
(66,000 records), Arabic (10,000 records) and Cyrillic (12,000 records).

As with most older Israeli catalogs, many of the records were
originally created in pre-MARC format, and often in upper case.
Automated conversions and upgrades over the years have improved this
data greatly, but not all records have been individually checked for
coding accuracy yet. This is an ongoing process and user input is

Romanized Hebrew headings are created according to Academy of the
Hebrew Language Romanization rules.

Cyrillic script headings are entirely upper case.

The network version of NNL10 is a copy of the real file of the
National Library. It is brought up to date with the real file every

The Library welcomes corrections, comments and questions regarding
NNL10 headings. Please send via e-mail to:

Arabic alphabet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew alphabet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roman and Russian alphabets: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Connection Instructions

1) Libraries which are members of the Israel Union List (ULI) and use
the ALEPH cataloging client (version 18):

to client file :
add line:

NNL10 - National Lib. Names    NNL10

to client file :
add line:

NNL10 - National Lib Names NNL10                NNL10

restart GUI

users with passwords authorized to duplicate records from ULI should
now be able to search (browse and find) and duplicate from NNL10 as well.

2) Connection via z39.50 (no password required)

See instructions at:

3) Web interface


  Elhanan Adler
  Deputy Director for Information Technology
  National Library of Israel
  P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel
  Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977
  Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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