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ELEANOR'S DREAM  1948 to 2008: The State of Human Rights at the 
United Nations         38pgs

   (executive summary)

  (full text)

Scorecard and Report on the  UN Human Rights Council  Presented at 
the United Nations December 10, 2008

....Total HRC Condemnations to Date: From its inception in June 2006 
to the present, the HRC has condemned North Korea in 1 resolution, 
Myanmar in 4, and
Israel in 20 resolutions. While the council did address Sudan several 
times, these were not condemnations but weak and ineffective 
resolutions, some of which
actually praised Sudan for its "cooperation." Despite the pleas of 
former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan as well as current UN chief 
Ban Ki-moon, the HRC's
focus has actually become even more narrow than was the case under 
the former Commission on Human Rights....

David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
www.geocities.com/d_elazar (home page)

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