Shalom, everyone and Happy Hanukkah!

As we get ready to end 2008, take a minute to think about the ways 
you might be able to help a librarian new to the field. The Mentor 
Committee is looking for a few people interested in helping a new 
librarian in their fields of expertise. Being a Mentor means 
answering questions and giving some suggestions to someone who needs 
help. It is a way for a new member to make connections and feel like 
part of the group.

Being a Mentor does NOT mean giving full service to someone trying to 
set up a library from scratch. That is a job for a library 
consultant, a paid professional position. As a mentor, you may answer 
questions such as which library software programs might work well for 
a particular library, where to catalog a certain book, or how to 
teach a specific library concept. It does NOT mean cataloging an 
entire collection, ordering and setting up a software program, laying 
out a floor plan, or providing an entire curriculum.

If you think you might like to connect with another librarian who 
needs some help, contact the Mentor Committee. If you think you might 
like to help the Mentor Committee make decisions about the roles of 
mentors, please contact the committee chairs, Sarah Leah Gross or 
Diane Romm. Both can be found on the organizational chart found on 
the AJL web page.

Susan Dubin
AJL President

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