National Jewish Book Award Winner in Jewish Family Literature Category:

Genesis    The Book with Seventy Faces

The Jewish Book Council has awarded the National Jewish Book Award for
Jewish Family Literature to Genesis    the Book with Seventy Faces
(Pitspopany, March 2008).

Genesis    the Book with Seventy Faces by Esther Takac is a beautifully
written and illustrated guide to the Book of Genesis for the whole family.
With its multiple layers on each page it allows children and parents to
enjoy reading together and introduces families to the experience of shared
Torah study.

In the tradition of Jewish commentary the book provides levels of
understanding - traditional and modern interpretations, legend, Kabbalah and
Midrash - that invite readers to engage with the stories and become
commentators themselves.

This new Genesis commentary is designed for children ages 8 - 14 and their
parents to learn together, and is an ideal resource for Jewish family
education.  It is also an excellent resource for Bar or Bat Mitzvah

Questions on the page encourage children and parents to discuss the issues
of morality, interpersonal relationships and philosophy raised by the text.
Thus families are offered a way to connect around the Genesis stories,
showing how these stories reflect our own struggles and dilemmas. Further
source material and historical background are provided in margin boxes for
teenagers and adults. References to all commentaries and source material are
given in the endnotes.

Based on the Talmudic teaching that the Torah has seventy faces, this guide
to Genesis includes a wide range of commentaries and will be appreciated by
Jews of all backgrounds. It helps readers navigate their way through Jewish
texts and provides a gateway into the vast world of Jewish learning.

About the author: Esther Takac is a psychologist and children's author.
After completing her Masters in Child Psychology at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, she specialized in child and family assessment and therapy,
working in public and private practice. Esther is the author of Loni and the
Moon, a children's book placed on the Victorian Premier's Reading List. She
has studied Jewish texts for many years and presents workshops on Genesis.

Title: Genesis    The Book with Seventy Faces: A Guide for the Family

Author: Esther Takac

Publisher: Pitspopany Press             Pub date: March, 2008

Pages:  240           ISBN: 978-932687-92-7     Price: $29.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher

directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966 Schools and libraries are eligible for
discounts. Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.


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