Good Evening:

I work with a small temple library that has a collection of about 
2,500 volumes.  One area of the collection that gets a lot of use is 
the fiction collection.  Due to this, we would like to keep the 
collection active with new titles, but we have a space issue to 
contend with.  I know that there are vendors who provide leasing 
plans for libraries (such as public libraries) that allow them to 
keep their fiction offerings current without the investment that 
occurs when actually purchasing.  Unfortunately, the plans I'm aware 
of would not be applicable to us because of the size of our 
collection and the specificity needed to restrict titles to Jewish 
literature.  Does anyone know of a vendor who does leasing plans 
specifically for Jewish libraries?  Or does anyone have suggestions 
that might help in keeping our fiction offerings current without 
making the long-term investment from purchasing?

Thank you -

Eric A. Kidwell
Temple Beth Or
Montgomery, AL


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