Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel, Boston

It's here! The Jewish Women's Archive is proud to announce the launch 
of the online version of Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical 
Encyclopedia, originally published by Alice and Moshe Shalvi of 
Shalvi Publishing Ltd., and edited by Professors Paula Hyman of Yale 
University and Dalia Ofer of Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The Encyclopedia is now available for FREE at
Previously available only on CD-ROM, the Encyclopedia is the first 
comprehensive source on Jewish women. It features over 1,700 
biographies, 300 thematic essays, and 1,400 photographs and 
illustrations on a wide range of Jewish women through the centuries 
-- from Gertrude Berg to Gertrude Stein; Hannah Greenbaum Solomon to 
Hannah Arendt; the Biblical Ruth to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Never before has so much well-researched and well-written material 
about Jewish women been available in one place online. Accessible and 
free to Internet users all over the world, the Encyclopedia appeals 
to a wide range of readers, including educators, activists, high 
school students, researchers, scholars, and the merely curious. Its 
thematic and visual links make it possible to draw connections across 
time and space in ways that are impossible in a printed book.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to your 
colleagues, family, and friends! Let us know how you are using the 
Encyclopedia. Send your feedback to Jordan Namerow, Online 
Communications Specialist, Jewish Women's Archive,

Jewish Women's Archive | 138 Harvard Street | Brookline | MA | 02446


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