I would be very grateful if details about my forthcoming book (pasted
below) would be circulated on the hasafran list.

Please advise me

With thanks,


Leslie Stein

The Making of Modern Israel 1948-1967
By Leslie Stein.
Polity Press of Wiley Publishers, 2009, 340 pages Hardcover, ISBN:
978-0-7456-4466-0, $25

Within a time frame of only nineteen years, culminating in the Six-Day
War, Israel fought three separate wars and within its first four years,
thanks to mass immigration, its population doubled. Furthermore, Israel
had been confronted with acute economic difficulties, intra Jewish
ethnic tensions, a problematic Arab minority and a secular-religious
divide. Externally apart from defence issues, Israel faced a generally
hostile or, at best, indifferent international community rendering it
hard pressed in securing great power patronage or even official sympathy
and understanding. Based on a wide range of sources, both in Hebrew and
English, this book contains a judicious synthesis of the received
literature to yield a reliable, balanced, and novel account of Israel's
fateful and turbulent infancy. Above all it provides an antidote to the
advocacy of the dismantling of Israel.

The book has been warmly endorsed by five prominent scholars/writers.
Alan Dowty recommends it "for the general reader and as an excellent
introductory text for the classroom." Michael Oren concludes that it is
"certain to become an indispensable resource for scholars,
decision-makers, and students." Similarly David Pryce-Jones believes
that it "ought to become a standard work on the emergence of Israel."
Daniel Pipes feels that it "accurately captures the drama, excitement
and danger of the fledgling Jewish state's first two decades," while
Martin Peretz argues that it is an "elegant and learned book."  (For
fuller details see the book's site on <http://amazon.com>amazon.com).

To be released within a week copies can already be ordered at Amazon.com
(at a discounted price of $16.5), 
<http://borders.com>borders.com and of
course at <http://wiley.com>wiley.com


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