I would like to inform you of a newly published 560 page hard-cover 
book (which includes a CD set).
It is a scholarly and personal tribute to Leib Glantz [1898-1964], 
considered by many to be one of the greatest cantors and composers ever.
The two compact disks include 30 of Leib Glantz's most important 
compositions sung with his unique tenor voice.
Written and edited by Dr. Jerry Glantz (his son), with contributions 
by the most important thinkers and practitioners of cantorial and 
Jewish music - and music in general - this stunning book provides a 
comprehensive overview and analysis of Glantz's significant 
contributions toChazzanut over the past century as well as his impact 
on the current generation of cantors and composers of Jewish music.
This book should be in every Jewish library.
Please log on to the book's website:



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