Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you've had a lovely, restorative first seder!   Some of you 
have used excerpts from my work in the past for holidays -  like 
"Fingerprints-- After 9/11,"  or my combined tribute last year to the 
Warsaw Ghetto Freedom Fighters for Yom Ha Shoah/Pesach.

I'd like now to share something very close to me for Yom Ha 
Shoah.  It is a core, personal excerpt from my dissertation at the 
University of Chicago, and--when finished-- it--my upcoming book, 

I've attached it as a PDF.  It was included by Pulitzer prize winning 
composer, Shulamit Ran, in the original score of her composition, 
"Credo – Ani Ma'amin."

Do please let me know if anyone should like to make use of 
it.  Please include an attribution.

Hag Sameach, and a meaningful upcoming Yom Ha Shoah,

Jud Newborn, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Author, Curator
12 Mitchell Avenue
Plainview, NY 11803 USA
Tel.: 516-931-7796
E-mail: <>

Excerpt from
The Hidden Cultural Meanings of the Holocaust
By Jud Newborn, Ph.D.
I have before me, on a shelf, something I brought
back from the field—a little plastic film container
with ash from Auschwitz Crematorium Number V, located
deep inside the camp complex. I gathered it at the end
of a long and numbing visit, when dusk was already
descending. As a consequence I was locked into
Auschwitz-Birkenau that night and had to scale a tall
fence to get out, my heart beating wildly. I later
discovered a small bone amongst the ash. I've been
told it's from a child's finger. I brought it back
with me so that during the writing process I should
never lose sight of that "irreducible reality" which I
was struggling so hard to account for.
I really shouldn't have it. I must bring it to a
rabbi and have it buried.
* * * * *
[This core passage from Dr. Newborn's dissertation for the University 
of Chicago's
Anthropology Department was used by Pulitizer Prize winning composer 
Shulamit Ran in the
original score of her chorale work, "Credo-Ani Ma'amin."]
JUD NEWBORN, Ph.D. is a New York-based author, dramatic lecturer & 
expert on extremism,
anti-Semitism & the fight for freedom & our shared humanity. He is 
also a poet and lyricist
who has collaborated with top composers & songwriters.
Dr. Newborn was educated at NYU, Clare Hall, Cambridge, and the 
University of Chicago,
where he received his doctorate with Distinction. A pioneer in the 
creation of Holocaust
museums, Dr. Newborn served as Founding Historian & Special Curator 
for NY's Museum of
Jewish Heritage. Co-author of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose , 
companion to the Oscarnominated
German film, Sophie Scholl: The Final days, Dr. Newborn has written for The New
York Times & The Jerusalem Post among other leading publications. He 
has lectured coastto-
coast, from L.A.'s Wiesenthal Center, San Diego's Old Globe Theater & 
major universities,
to NY's National Arts Club, the United Nations, & from Canada to Cape 
Town. He has also
appeared as an expert on major news venues, from the CBS News to 
NPR's All Things
Considered . Dr. Newborn consults as curator for renowned 
institutions, including L.I.'s
Cinema Arts Centre.
Excerpt from "Work Makes Free":
The Hidden Cultural Meanings of the Holocaust , by Jud Newborn
Diss., University of Chicago, © Jud Newborn, 1994, 2009


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