I thought the members of this listserv would be interested to know 
about MY ISRAEL-REVISTING THE TRILOGY now available through Women Make Movies.

In MY ISRAEL-REVISTING THE TRILOGY, Tel-Aviv born Yulie Cohen embarks 
on a difficult and emotional journey to free the surviving terrorist 
who attacked her in 1978, to question the myths of the state that she 
grew up in, and to reconcile with her ultra-orthodox Jewish brother 
after 25 years of estrangement. It is film of remarkable courage and 
understanding set against the last turbulent decade of Israeli 
history, and it successfully combines Cohen's earlier 3 films, MY 
TERRORIST (2002), MY LAND ZION (2004), and MY BROTHER (2007), in an 
incisive and refreshing new way. MY ISRAEL also includes a very 
special 3-film bonus collection of the original full-length films.

VIEW A CLIP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5PVf3XZ9lc

For more information: http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c752.shtml


Stephanie Houghton
462 Broadway #500LS * NY, NY * 10013 *
Tel: 212.925.0606 x36


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