Just published, "Little Man in a Big Hurry: The Life of Joseph 
H.Hirshhorn, Uranium King and Art Collector" is the remarkable story 
of  Hirshhorn, who donated the largest private art collection ever 
accumulated to the people of the United States. His sculpture and art 
collection is now housed on the Mall in Washington, D.C. in a 
Smithsonian Museum which bears his name: The Joseph H. Hirshhorn 
Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Written by his daughter Gene Hirshhorn LePere, it is a rags-to-riches 
story of an immigrant Jewish boy who arrived in the United States 
from Latvia in 1907 and through oversized ambition, energy and 
determination accumulated a multi-million-dollar collection of 
contemporary art.

The hardbound book is published by Vantage Press, Inc., 419 Park Ave. 
South, New York, NY 10016. They can be contacted at 1-800-882-3273. 
Vantage retails at $26.95, or from Amazon.com at $17.79.

The ISBN is: 978-0-533-16079-2.

Sandra and Donald Hirschhorn
Boca Raton, FL


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