Dear Sir / Madam,

We are happy to announce the recent publications of the following titles :

Visual Texti(a)les - Narrative and View in Painting /
By Efrat Biberman
In the Series: Interpretation and Culture / A. Sagi (ed.)
ISBN 978-965-226-342-1
304 pp. Hebrew. Softcover. 2009
List Price: $ 35.-

Studies in Jewish Narrative (Ma`aseh  Sippur) VOL. 2 /
   A. Lipsker,  R. Kushelevsky (eds.)
In the Series: Thema - Thematological Studies in the Literature of 
the Jewish People.
ISBN 978-965-226-339-1
468 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2009
List Price: $ 45.-

Encyclopedia of the Jewish Story (SIPPUR OKEV SIPPUR) Vol.  2 /
   A. Lipsker,  R. Kushelevsky Y. Elstein (eds.)
In the Series: Thema - Thematological Studies in the Literature of 
the Jewish People.
ISBN 978-965-226-358-2
334 pp. Hebrew. 32 pp. English Abstracts. Hardcover. 2009
List Price: $ 45.-

Death of the SHEKHINA – Readings in Four Agnon Stories and in their Sources
/ By TZ. Weiss
In the Series: Thema - Thematological Studies in the Literature
of the Jewish People.
ISBN 978-965-226-303-2
152 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2009
List Price: $ 26.-

Orders can be sent to: Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.

We look forward to serving you.
Sincerely yours,

Dina Kupperberg
Distribution Dept.
Fax no. 972-3-7384064


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