
I'm doing a summer book group with a theme of Jewish children in 
survival mode after immigrating to another country.  Book choices so far are:

King of Mulberry Street, by Donna Jo Napoli

Shanghai Shadows, by Lois Ruby

Night of the Burning, by Linda Wulf

The Return, by Sonia Levitin

I'd like to come up with another one which might attract boys.  I 
looked through the bibliography bank but nothing jumped out at me.  Any ideas?

  I'm encouraging middle school aged children at our synagogue and 
another to read one of the books or however many of them they want 
before we meet.  The books all have some common elements: leaving 
their home countries due to discrimination and hatred, feeling they 
must or actually having to look after themselves, being faced with 
culture shock.  I look forward to some great discussions!


Toby Harris, Librarian

Temple De Hirsch Sinai

(206)315-7398  Seattle

(206)323-8486, Ext. 7481  Bellevue


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