There are still some openings for the CEU class being offered at 
Convention in Chicago on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning (total 6 
hours).   Participants in all 3 sessions will receive .5 CEU credit 
from the University of Wisconsin.  Fee:  $45.00

There is a registration form on the AJL  convention web site.

   CEU Digital Judaic Resources -- Michael Kay

This course will identify

digital Judaic studies resources such as the Bar Ilan

Responsa Project and the Center for Online Judaic

Studies. How can these resources be searched? How

can we incorporate the use of these resources in the

classroom, and among our patrons? What resources

are “cost effective?” Do digital Judaic resources

replace the Jewish book ? What new digital resources

can we expect to see in the future?

Leslie Monchar, Librarian

Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy

Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School

110 South Orange Avenue

Livingston, NJ  07039

973-597-1115  ext. 1120

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