Dear Nancy

I am writing a paper on the library (400 books) of a Rabbi in Bavaria 
in 1693, that was supposed to be given to a beit midrash where it 
would serve as a public, non-lending library for all scholars. 
I  tried to find information about earlier or contemporary Jewish 
libraries, but unfortunately, it seems that no such library remained 
active and intact for more than a generation or two. Unlike royal, 
ducal and monastery libraries that existed for centuries, and many of 
them still exist, we have no records of any such library under Jewish 
ownership.  The earliest Jewish library still in existence is the Ets 
Haim library in Amsterdam dating back to the 1616. (The present 
librarian, Dr. Rosenberg, will be at the AJL convention).

Daniel Rettberg wondered about the library of the Radak. We do not 
have an inventory of his library, but fortunately we do have the 
inventory of the library of Levi b. Gershom (RALBAg or Gersonides) 
from the early 14th cent. Ralbag was a true renaissance figure. He 
wrote tomes on a great variety of subjects,: commentaries on most 
books of the Bible, works on astronomy, astrology, mathematics, 
philosophy (commentaries on most of the supercommentaries by Averroes 
on Aristotle and his own Milhamot Hashem).  The cataloguer of the 
Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, has over 400 entries of 
works by him still in existence
In a manuscript of Sefer ha-Shorashim by Radak (MS Breslau 65) owned 
by Levi, he wrote a list of all the books in his library. How many 
books do you think such a scholar would own? The answer is 168. To 
paraphrase a famous saying, so few books for a modern library, so 
large a library for a medieval scholar.

The list was published as:

La bibliothèque de Gersonide :d'après son catalogue autographe 
/Gérard E. Weil ; édité par Frédéric Chartrain avec la collaboration 
d'Anne-Marie Weil-Guény et Joseph Shatzmiller. (Louvain 1991)

Benjamin Richler


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