Dear Steven,
               This is an interesting case, but I have to disagree 
with your idea of what the appropriate disposition of such a book should be.
               Reading through the thin veil as to which book you 
were referring to we can begin with the fact that this book was 
embargoed before publication. As so, it should not have been 
distributed or read without permission prior to the date of 
publication. This is a legal issue. After publication, the book 
becomes a very interesting and valuable book for librarians, 
literary/popular culture scholars and book collectors. Whether or not 
the author would approve of this version of the book being read and 
known is no barrier to interest. To stand on one side or the other of 
the issue is a value judgement I will not make. As there is nothing 
libelous or slanderous in the book as far as I know, any "harm" that 
the author might perceive is having the book seen is something 
authors need to live with. I think it would be a poor idea to destroy 
the book or hide it from public view.

Best Regards,
Henry Hollander


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