SKYPE for kabalat shabat
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Some people use organs for music in schul or drive their cars to 
schul. We here in the Sinagoga La Javura use Skype to bring music and 
the world into our delightfully cozy, 45 square foot sinagoga. No 
matter how you slice it, books are the key; Skype is just another 
tool that in time will be replaced by something bigger and more 
electronically glitzy. But books don't run on electricity nor do they 
break down unless you use them for a marshmallow roast.

I just came back from Paideia...
...which is the European Jewish Yeshiva in Stockholm (Sweden).  You 
all must consider giving Paideia a try, especially their 10-day 
Incubator Program which helps you develop programs, write proposals 
and contact the foundation with the bucks that might be able to put 
some reality into the project.

While I was in Sweden, I tried to talk about this kind of out-reach, 
but most people just don't get it. So! Given that a Blog and a couple 
of photos will probably speak louder than a thousand b'zillion words, 
here is an example of  how La Javura and SKYPE work to bring people 
and kabalat shabat closer to each other.

Alex, his mom Tanya Smolianitski were also in Sweden at Paideia. They 
joined La Javura for kabalat shabat on Friday, August 21.

The week before, rabi Daniel Katz, an american who has lived and 
worked in Germany for a dozen years, joined us here in La Javurá and 
the experience was just as delightful as when the Smolianitski's 
participated with La Javura this last week. Alex and Tanya read the 
different sections of the service in hebrew, russian or german and 
had their turn at reading the parasha ha-shuva from their chumash in 
whatever language they felt the most comfortable in.

If you look very closely at the picture on Alex's Apple computer you 
will see three girls, members of La Javura: Sol, Mónica and Elene. 
The other 5 that were present are out of videocam range as is also 
the one person calling from Barcelona on the speaker-telephone 
(obviously!). You can see a part of the La Javura library with the 
bulletin board next to it with all sorts of trash, announcements, 
book borrower cards, and sundry junk hanging on it.

Towards the end of the service, which lasts about 3hours, Miriam 
Sugiyama, born in Brasil, who is married to a Valencian guy (and 
together run a shop that sells Japanese products) brought us the 
sushi that did not sell during the day. They only sell sushi that 
Miriam makes herself, fresh daily. They give all the rest away at the 
end of the work day. Not only that but Miriam came by La Javura on 
her way home to drop off the sushi and wave to everyone, including 
the Smolianitski family.We especially enjoyed the photo tour that 
Alex gave us of the new kindergarten, their shul, and the 
neighbourhood where they live while we sat there eating sushi.

In the lovely Smolianitski studyroom you can see Mr Smolianitski 
sitting behind the computer screen. You can see Tanya's hand on the 
book (in this larger-sized photo)...
...and Alex is obviously taking the picture. On Sunday, 23 august, 
Alex sent me the above link to his blog that high-lights the SKYPE experience.

Though I hope all the Spanish didn't put them off too much, I 
recognize that the greatest barrier to success and full enjoyment 
with Skype is not the geographical distance barrier at all....

....but the language barrier.  If all the translating became a bit 
cumbersome, I do hope that Alex and Tanya might consider using Skype 
to do kabalat shabat with Russian/German speaking persons as well as 
come back soon to be with La Javura.

Except for the fact that I still neeeeeeeed a media mixer, more 
electronically sohpisticated everything and fewer random wires in my 
life, aire conditioning would also come in handy. We were all using 
Spanish handheld-fans trying to keep the 39ºC heat circulating. In 
Sweden there may be Green-Winter and Grey-Winter but here in Valencia 
we only have Hot and Much Hotter.

Compared to putting up with the heat, Skype is the easy part.

I hope everyone's summer is rounding out nicely
Besos de Valencia
Remember the tour's on me
Alba Toscano (Sulam 23)
Sinagoga conservador "La Javuva" (56 individuals, count 'em)
SKYPE: albatoscanovalencia
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (Spain)
34 96 380 2129
34 96 380 6970


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