As the New Year is fast approaching, I want to greet our new AJL 
members and remind those that have not yet rewed their membership for 
2009-2010 that they should send in their forms now.

Being an AJL member entitles you to copies of our quarterly 
Newsletter with articles about the news in Judaica Librarianship and 
current book reviews. Members also receive our scholarly journal, 
Judaica Librarianship and reduced rates at conferences and Convention.

The Convention in 2010 will be in the Pacific Northwest for the first 
time. Seattle is a beautiful, book-loving city, and our Convention 
will take place right in its heart with outstanding programs and 
special treats. Our keynote speaker will be famed librarian Nancy Pearl.

In addition, AJL members may receive discounts from some vendors such 
as Kar-Ben, Pitspopany, Mackin, and others in development.

Don't miss out! Membership forms are available on our website at . Annual membership is $50 for individuals or 
institutions. Institutional members may designate one person as their 
member. Others from the same institution pay individual rates. There 
are also retired librarian and student rates.

Have a wonderful, healthy, prosperous New Year!

Susan Dubin
AJL President


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