Dear Haim--

You are just where I was about twenty years ago! I had completed a Ph.D.
in Rabbinical literature and enrolled in an M.S. in Information Studies
program focussing on cataloging and rare books.

So far as I know there are no active programs in Judaica Librarianship
in existence. There used to be one which was a joint program of Gratz
College and of Drexel University in Philadelphia. I don't know if it
still exists. If any of my colleagues can correct me on this I would be
pleased to hear from them. I suggest you rely on your classes for the
technical aspects of rare books and the "nuts and bolts" of
librarianship (cataloging, reference, collection development, etc.)and
depending on your background and interests read all you can about the
classical sources of Judaism (Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, etc.) on your own.

Given the fact that you are emphasizing rare books and manuscripts I
assume that you are looking to a career in academic librarianship either
in a large research university or in a smaller archive, museum, or
repository. Good luck! I wish I could give you more encouragement, but
given the present state of the economy jobs seem to be few and far
between. My advice is to have a strong seond "suit" besides Judaica
which you can also list on your c.v. Pick something that interests you
and which is a popular and known collecting area, like some area of
American history or modern literature. If you can "weave" it into your
Judaic interests so much the better.

Well, now I'll "shut up" and let my colleagues have at it.


Dan Rettberg

Daniel J. Rettberg, Ph.D.
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
3101 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220-2488



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