Urim is pleased to announce the publication of If We Could Hear Them 
Now. This title is available through Baker and Taylor, directly from 
the distributor Lambda

(Tel: 718-972-5449 fax: 718-972-6307) or from booksellers.

If We Could Hear Them Now

Encounters with Legendary Jewish Heroines

In If We Could Hear Them Now, Jewish heroines come to life from 
different eras of Jewish history. The author conducts interviews with 
different greats of the past, allowing each woman to tell her story 
from a personal point of view. History is brought down from the 
shelves of libraries and study halls and put in the readers' hands. 
Written in a contemporary and riveting fashion, this book illustrates 
what sets a hero apart and what lessons we can learn and incorporate 
from these remarkable lives.

"This creative book allows modern readers to engage with Jewish 
heroines whose voices we cannot access."
–Elisheva Baumgarten, Director of the Fanya Gottesman Heller Center 
for the Study of Jewish Women and Social Historian at the Department 
of Jewish History Program at Bar Ilan University

"This is a delightful, imaginative and inspirational work which I 
highly recommend."
–Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations 
of the Commonwealth

"...takes us on a magic carpet ride through Jewish history, 
introducing us to impressive heroines and imagining how their stories 
could inspire us today. The book is both erudite and entertaining. So 
hear them now, meet them now, read them now. Buckle your seatbelts 
and enjoy this literary historical adventure in time-travel reminding 
us, in the author's apt words, of the "timelessness" of these Jewish 
heroines' teachings."
–Professor Gil Troy, McGill University, author of Why I Am a Zionist: 
Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today

About the author:
Alice Becker Lehrer teaches at the David Weissman Institute of the 
Bronfman Jewish Education Centre in Montreal and has held senior 
positions in the Montreal Jewish community for many years, including: 
serving as the President of the Jewish Public Library and founder of 
its Legacy for Learning committee, chairing the Advisory Committee of 
the Melton School of Education, co chairing the Hartman Institute Lay 
Leadership Global Beit Midrash Seminar Series, and as board member of 
Kollel Torah Mitzion and Mizrachi Canada. Alice was the founder and 
president of the private health care company Orthosport, was the 
editor of The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, and has 
published in the Canadian Jewish News. She is the wife of Harold 
Lehrer, the mother of two daughters and the proud Oma of two grandsons.

Title: If We Could Hear Them Now: Encounters with Legendary Jewish Heroines

Author: Alice Becker Lehrer

Publisher: Urim Fiction

Pub Date: December 2009   Pages: 176

ISBN: 978-965-524-031-3 Hardcover $19.95

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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