Feldheim Publishers is pleased to announce the publication of 
wonderful new titles for young readers.

These books are available from Baker & Taylor or from the publisher 
at 845-356-2282

Torah Our Treasure
A Show 'n Tell Window Book

By Etti Goldzand

ISBN: 978-1-59826-421-0

Binding: Hard Cover / 20 pages

It's a museum-in-a-book--the perfect thing for young minds and 
fingers! How is a Sefer Torah made? Where does parchment come from? 
This step-by-step book, told in rhyme and "illustrated" with 
real-life clay figures and delightful creations, includes a unique 
window feature that shows various objects involved in creating a 
Sefer Torah, for children to view close-up. A unique, novel, and 
highly entertaining book for all children to enjoy and learn from.

Birkas HaChaim
The Wonders of Our Body

By Michal Kroizer, Devorah Stein

ISBN: 978-1-59826-366-4

Binding: Hard Cover / 64 pages

A Wonderful Book With an Awe-Inspiring Wealth of Information

Take your children on a journey within--to the very core of the 
bodies Hashem gave them; it's a ride they'll never forget! This book 
gives an in-depth look at the major organs in a kid-friendly way with 
plenty of dialogue and text to help them along. With elucidation of 
the special mitzvos that can be performed with each body part and 
plenty of informational tidbits and science trivia to keep kids 
learning all the way through. Full-color illustrations and creative 
ways of presenting facts, plus a great array of inspiring stories of 
tzaddikim, make this a full-service book that teaches, explores, 
inspires, and entertains all at once!

We Can Do Mitzvos from Aleph to Tav

By Yael Zoldan

ISBN: 978-159826-395-4

Binding: Hard Cover / 46 pages

They'll Love Learning Alef Bais With This Colorful Book!

Step into the world of Alef Bais and mitzvos, with this clever, 
colorful kids' book. Each letter introduces a different mitzvah - 
from alef to tav, giving children a taste for a wide range of mitzvos 
as they absorb the letters of the Alef Bais. With bright, endearing 
illustrations, this book is a great learning tool and lots of fun.

The Perfect Present

By Ruth Beifus
ISBN: 978-1-59826-349-7

Binding: Hard Cover / 36 pages

An Endearing Tale of an Intergenerational Gift That Brings Young and 
Old Together

When Aunt Miriam comes to visit, the whole family knows to be on 
their best behavior. But this time, Aunt Miriam comes with a gift--in 
a green bag, wrapped up in newspaper and twine, she presents it to 
Nomi who is flabbergasted by the old-fashioned gift! Aunt Miriam's 
smile droops as Nomi puzzles over this strange present. Will Nomi and 
her Aunt Miriam come together to see the precious excitement of this 
old-new object? Part of the Shlavim Young Readers Series, this book 
is a real treat complete with gorgeous, full-color illustrations and 
durable, laminated pages.

Busy Bees
The Story of Honey

By Dafna Tidhar; Avrami Tidhar

ISBN: 1-58330-924-1

Learn about one of the most amazing insects that Hashem created for 
us in our wonderful world! A delightful book for young children with 
additional text for older children and adults on the bottom of each 
page, Busy Bees, The Story of Honey describes the busy life of the 
honeybee. Both you and your child will love the charming 
illustrations and visual aids included in this book.

Faith and Courage
Plus: Del Monte and The Pocketknife

By Meir (Marcus) Lehmann

ISBN: 978-1-59826-279-7

Binding: Hard Cover / 198 pages

History, Faith, and Adventure, >From the Talented, Prolific Pen of 
Marcus Lehmann!

He was the Rav of Mainz, Germany, an acclaimed Torah school and 
educator who fought against the forces of assimilation with that 
instrument mightier than the sword--his pen. Rabbi Meir (Marcus) 
Lehmann left a legacy of historical novels so beautifully written 
that they tug the heart and fire the imagination even as they impart 
life-long lessons to the reader. This book contains three of his 
brightest jewels, Faith & Courage, the wondrous tale of the Shach and 
his daughter, Esther; The Penknife, an enchnating novella telling the 
tale of two friends, fortune, and faith; and Del Monte, a tale of 
faith and loyalty. This book is a delight for the mind and the 
soul--a quality, finely crafted read.

My Tzitzis Book

By Elisheva Schreiber
ISBN: 978-1-59826-155-4

Binding: Hard Cover

An adorable and age-appropriate way to introduce your child to the 
mitzvah of wearing tzitzis! This unique and wonderfully presented 
book features plastic-encased tzitzis components such as fleece, 
wool, techeles, knots, and string, along with poems and stories 
explaining the beauty of the mitzvah of tzitzis. Youngsters will 
marvel at the process that is used to make tzitzis, and will look 
forward to finally wearing tzitzis of their own. The gorgeous, 
full-color pictures, all comprised of Play-dough figures and 
accessories, are especially endearing to young children and their parents!

The King's Special Loaves
A young boy, an eager Kohen, two curious Romans, and three 
enthusiastic bakers: A historical adventure, including the 
preparation of the lechem ha-panim and shtei ha-lechem and the laws of menachos

By Yaakov Meir Strauss

ISBN: 9781598263923

Binding: Hard Cover / 292 pages

A Special Book for Kids--Educational, Exciting, and Adventurous!

What do you get when you mix together a young boy, an eager kohen, 
two curious Romans, and three enthusiastic bakers? A wonderful story, 
of course! This gripping, inspiring, fun book, newest release in the 
Naftali in the Beis HaMikdash Series, gives kids a glimpse at what 
life was like when the Beis Hamikdash still stood. Chock full of 
fascinating information about the Mikdash, the keilim, and the 
processes used to prepare the lechem ha-panim, shtei ha-lechem, and 
the menachos, this book keeps kids spellbound!

Rebbe Mendel...In a Class by Himself
Stories From The World's Greatest Teacher!

By Nathan Sternfeld

ISBN: 978-1-59826-320-6

Binding: Hard Cover / 208 pages

Remarkable Rebbe Mendel is Back--In This First-Class Book!

He's the teacher every boy has dreamed of, and he's coming to a 
classroom in your very own home! This exciting book, full of 
adventure, humor, and plenty of golden lessons, is a must-read for 
kids. Rebbe Mendel is a storyteller par excellence and his tales, 
most drawn from the wisdom of Chazal, both entertain and uplift young 
readers. True-to-life characters, wonderful plotlines, and 
illustrations by celebrated artist Dovid Bichman make this book, 
fifth in the Rebbe Mendel series, a real winner.

These books are available from Baker & Taylor or from the publisher 
at 845-356-2282

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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