Stingy Buzi and King Solomon / Der karger Buzi un Shloymeh Hameylekh, 
written and illustrated by Goldie Sigal.  Montreal: Lomir Hofn Press, 
2009.  ISBN 0-8006-2552-8.  80 p.: col. ill.; 28 cm.


Lomir Hofn Press is pleased to announce the publication of a 
Yiddish/English "comic book",Stingy Buzi and King Solomon, or, Der 
karger Buzi un Shloymeh Hameylekh, by Goldie Sigal.  Each page 
features an illustration in full color, with Yiddish script in the 
dialog "balloons", and transliteration and English translation 
beneath.  The book will be enjoyed by children from about 4 to 10 
years old, their parents and grandparents, and anyone who wants to 
learn or practice Yiddish while having fun doing so.

Alphabet and vocabulary charts are included, and the "balloon" 
dialogue is presented in the format of a play at the end of the comic 
section.  An optional 9-page workbook supplement,Lomir itster shpiln 
tsuzamen, by Batia Bettman and illustrated by Goldie Sigal, is also 
available on request.

The book is the recipient of a grant from the Aaron and Sonia Fishman 
Foundation for Yiddish Culture for new projects that aim at 
strengthening Yiddish among children and adolescents, and the book 
has been praised by leaders in the field:

             -"Ayer bikhele iz beemes zeyer interesant un klug 
tsunoyfgeshtelt untalantir gemolt…  Ikh bin zikher az dos bikhl vet 
brengen a sakh freyd say             dikinder un say zeyere eltern." 
["Your book is truly very interesting and cleverly put together and 
drawn with talent… I am certain that the book will bring 
much                     joy both to children and to their parents."]

                                                 - Boris Sandler, 
author, and Editor-in-Chief of the Forverts.

             - "Ayer bikhl … gefelt mir zeyer: Di bilder zaynen 
lebedik un filfarbik un dimayse leynt zikh gring.  Ikh vel dos iy'h 
leynen mit mayne kinder."                  ["I like your book very 
much:  The illustrations are lively and colorful and the story reads 
easily.  God willing,    I will read it with my children."]

                                             - Zackary Sholem Berger, 
Yiddish and English writer, poet, publisher, and  Yiddish translator 
of Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat and other Dr. Seuss books.

For orders, samples of pages, or other information, please contact 
Goldie Sigal:

Price:  $18  plus postage & handling.   (Discounts for group orders);

Workbook Supplement: $2.


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