Nechama Kutner wrote:

>We just received a donation of a 1993, 15th edition Encyclopedia 
>Britannica Macropaedia Volumes 13-29 and Yearbook volumes 1993-2007, 
>and a Propedia volume.  The set is black leather with gold tooling 
>on the binding and page edging.
The E.B.15th comes in 3 parts. The Macropaedia is cool but it's not a 
quick reference like the Micropaedia is. I suppose you could live 
without the Micropaedia, but I'm curious to know what happened to it. 
Sounds like someone in the family made off with the 12-volume 
Micropaedia when nobody was paying attention.

>They have asked for a donation letter in order to take a tax
>deduction on this as well as other volumes donated....
What does your library Mission Statement say about donations in 
general? and donation letters in particular?  Personally I would ask 
the donors to have the set (actually 2/3rds-set) looked at by a 
second-hand book dealer to get an idea of it's value, (if indeed it 
has any value at all without the Micropaedia!). Except for the 
utility-value of the book(s) in your collection, I don't think it is 
really your job to appraise the economic value of donated books which 
often have more sentimental value for the donor than for the donee.

I hope everyone had a lovely Tu b'Shvat. Ours was a total hoot. Very 
much fun had by all. If anyone would like a copy of our little 
spanish-language Tu b'Shvat Hagadá, just say the word, drop me a line 
with your address and I'll send you a copy licketty-splicketty

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga "La Javura"
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (Spain)
SKYPE: albatoscanovalencia


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