Aaron Huber wrote:

>I am looking for a centralized database that lists all high schools

The Dror Experimental School http://www.kdror.co.il
as its name states is an innovating public high school which uses the 
students as guinea pigs to find new ways to make the high school 
experience even more so. Their results for new teaching methods feed 
into all of the high schools in Israel. If anyone has a database, it 
is they. So contact those guys. They are beyond cool.

Story time:
Last year the public high school P.H.S. "Juan de Garay", contracted 
me to give a year's weekly course on judaism, jewish culture, 
language, la di da di daaaaah, about all thingys jewish-ish to the 
kids as well as the teachers who would be accompanying them on an 
intercultural exchange with Dror Experimental School just northeast 
of Tel Aviv. When the Israeli school came to Valencia, I volunteered 
as tour guide, translator and other stuff. It was a blast. The 
Israeli kids out-punked the Spanish kids (who pride themselves on 
their weirdness factor of dress, holes in the skin and other 
distinguishing marks of today's youth that doesn't even come close to 
the late 60s by half I am proud to say) by about 56billion to one. 
The two lady teachers who are my age (60-ish) were game for anything 
and we got on like a house a-fire. Their english was as perfect as my 
hebreo most definitely is not (how embarrassing).

Exactly one year later,  P.H.S. "Juan de Garay" (Valencia) went to 
the Dror Experimental School (Israel).  Only a third of the students 
and teachers who took the course went on the exchange but those who 
did, came back in love with Israel. The left Spain with a very high 
consideration of their courage and bravery before the Great Unknown. 
When they got back one of them confessed to me that they all felt 
like total idiots for having felt so because they themselves 
connected the dots and realized (with no help from me) that we are 
molded by the xenophobia perpetrated by the media which in turn is 
molded by how it might benefit the organization that produces said 
media in the first place.

If you read spanish you might enjoy their public declarations, and 
even so there are some photos:

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masortí La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
UStream:   http://www.lajavura.org/ustream/html
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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